Does Truvada Cause Osteoporosis

Is there a risk of osteoporosis in PrEP?

There was a concern about decreased bone density in people who are taking Truvada.

What we have found is that there are a number of factors that can contribute towards the bone density.

Most importantly, if you have lower bone density or a strong history in your family of osteoporosis, we can organise a bone density scan before you start taking PrEP.

There are many factors that affect bone density and strength. I always recommend to my patients the following for bone health:

  • have calcium-rich foods
  • get some weight bearing the exercises
  • ensure you have optimal levels of vitamin D or some sunshine

Each of these steps help ensure people are doing everything that they can to get the best bone density possible.

If you are having issues with bone density, we can carefully monitor your bone strength.

Reduced bone density is rare as an effect of taking PrEP.