Who Is A Good Candidate For PrEP?

Anybody who at medium to high risk of HIV infection is a good candidate for PrEP. This can include people who are in a serodiscordant relationship, i.e., the person considering going on PrEP is HIV-negative and their partner is HIV-positive. Other people include men who have sex with men, who inconsistently use condoms; people who use methamphetamines or injectable drugs; people who are exchanging sex for commodities, whether that be money, accommodation, food or safety; or, people who are having sex with people who may be in these categories. The most important thing to be aware of is that people need to be aware of the potential risks, side effects and consequences of going onto PrEP. However, if they’re happy, keen and looking for ways to help reduce their risk of HIV infection, PrEP is a fantastic thing to be discussing.