How Ozempic & Wegovy (Semaglutide) Affects PrEP On-Demand: A Medical Insight

Hey teammates, Dr. George here! Today, I want to talk about something important for those of you who use PrEP on-demand and are also taking Ozempic or Wegovy for weight loss or diabetes management. I had an interesting interaction with a patient today, and it got me thinking about how these medications might affect the effectiveness of PrEP on-demand.

The Issue: How Does Ozempic Affect Stomach Emptying?

My patient is currently on Ozempic for diabetes, and as many of you may know, Ozempic (semaglutide) delays the emptying of the stomach. This is one of the ways it helps control hunger and aids in weight loss. But here’s the potential problem: when you’re doing PrEP on-demand, the timing of how your stomach processes medication becomes very important.

PrEP on-Demand Protocol

For those unfamiliar, PrEP on-demand starts with taking two tablets of PrEP between 2 to 24 hours before having sex. This allows time for the medication to be absorbed and provide protection against HIV.

Stomach Emptying and Drug Absorption

If the stomach is slow to empty due to medications like Ozempic or Wegovy, it could potentially delay the absorption of PrEP, meaning the drugs may not enter your system in time to offer full protection. So I decided to dive into some data and see what studies say about this issue.

The Research: Stomach Emptying Rates with and Without Ozempic

I found a study that specifically looked at the differences in stomach emptying rates between people who are on Ozempic/Wegovy and those who are not. Here’s what the data showed: 1

  • Without Ozempic: It takes about 2 hours for 50% of the stomach’s contents to empty.
  • With Ozempic: This time increases to around 3 hours.

This difference in gastric emptying is significant, especially if you’re following the standard PrEP on-demand guidelines.

The Recommendation: Adjusting Your PrEP Timing

If you are taking Ozempic or Wegovy and also using PrEP on-demand, it’s essential to take your PrEP earlier than usual to account for the delay in stomach emptying.

New Timing Guidelines

Based on the data, here are my updated recommendations:

  • Instead of the usual 2 to 24 hours, I suggest you take your PrEP at least 4 hours before having sex.
  • This ensures your stomach has had enough time to empty and for the medication to be absorbed into your system.

For my patient today, I recommended taking PrEP the morning of the day they expect to have sex, and then continuing with the normal on-demand regime:

  1. Take two tablets at least 4 hours before sex.
  2. After sex, take one tablet daily for two days to complete the PrEP regimen.

Why This Matters

This is still a new area of study, and I’ll be discussing it further with some senior HIV experts. But for now, I think this precaution is important. With Ozempic and Wegovy becoming more common for weight loss, we need to consider how these drugs may interact with other medications, particularly those as vital as PrEP.

Stay Safe: Tell Your Doctor About All Medications

Always make sure to let your doctor know about all the medications you’re taking. This includes anything for weight loss, diabetes, or other conditions, because these can interact in ways that may not be immediately obvious.

Let’s Chat: How Has Ozempic Affected You?

Are you on Ozempic or Wegovy? How does it make you feel after you eat? Do you feel bloated? How long does it take for your stomach to empty?

It’s an interesting conversation, and as new drugs are developed, we need to think about how they might affect other medications. Feel free to leave a comment below and share your experience.

Stay safe, teammates, and remember—your health is always worth the extra attention. See you soon!

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