How To Start PrEP In Australia
How Do I Start PrEP In Australia?
Starting PrEP is now a straight forward process in Australia.
Any general practitioner in Australia is able to prescribe PrEP. That said, not all doctors are comfortable prescribing PrEP so I do recommend you try to see a GP who does a moderate amount of PrEP prescribing.
If you are in Melbourne I am happy to help you get started on PrEP. I am available for appointments in Collins Street Melbourne and also with Telehealth appointments.
To book an appointment my full details here:
PrEP With Dr George Forgan-Smith
If you are away from Melbourne, below is a map of doctors in Australia familiar with PrEP. Click on the map for further details.
PrEP Doctors In Australia
![PrEP Doctors In Australia](/how-to-start-prep/prep-doctor-australia.jpg)
What to expect in your first PrEP appointment
In your first PrEP appointment you will be able to talk with your doctor about your understanding of PrEP and how you feel it’s a good choice for you.
Your doctor will be able to guide you though the process of starting PrEP by first checking it’s a useful and safe choice for you.
Your doctor will be asking questions about your medical history, in particular any issues with kidney function or bone issues. It’s important they know your current medications as well as any allergies.
If PrEP is going to be a good match you doctor can go through the consent for PrEP to ensure you understand:
- How PrEP works
- The side effects of PrEP
- What PrEP can do as well as what it can not do
- How to get your PrEP prescription
- How to take your PrEP medication
- The follow up and monitoring that is an important part of taking PrEP
- Options stopping PrEP if your circumstances change and no longer require it.
If you are happy to go ahead, your doctor can organise your prescription and a full sexual health screening.
This is a great opportunity to ask as many questions as you wish. Even if you feel the question is minor, ask away! It’s important you understand all the aspects of your new medication.
In addition to PrEP your doctor may wish to talk to you about vaccinations, other health screening and ways to stay healthy.
I like to organise a 30 minute appointment for the first appointment.
Subsequent appointments can normally be done in a standard 15 minute appointment. If you feel you have other issues you would like to cover, consider booking a longer appointment.